Causes of Death 2013-2022

Redundent Diseases
Category Disease Cat Rank
V Bus occupant injured in collision with railway train or railway vehicle (V75) 83
V Bus occupant injured in other and unspecified transport accidents (V79) 87
W Fall on same level involving ice and snow (W00) 3
W Explosion and rupture of boiler (W35) 39
W Exposure to high-pressure jet (W41) 45
W Exposure to noise (W42) 46
W Exposure to vibration (W43) 47
W Crushed, pushed or stepped on by crowd or human stampede (W52) 55
W Bitten or crushed by other reptiles (W59) 62
W Exposure to ionizing radiation (W88) 88
W Exposure to man-made visible and ultraviolet light (W89) 89
W Exposure to other nonionizing radiation (W90) 90