Causes of Death 2013-2022

Redundent Diseases
Category Disease Cat Rank
R Urethral discharge (R36) 40
R Other symptoms and signs involving the urinary system (R39) 41
R Dizziness and giddiness (R42) 45
R Disturbances of smell and taste (R43) 46
R Symptoms and signs involving emotional state (R45) 48
R Symptoms and signs involving appearance and behaviour (R46) 49
R Voice disturbances (R49) 53
R Headache (R51) 56
R Hyperhidrosis (R61) 66
R Systemic Inflammatory Response Syndrome [SIRS] (R65) 70
R Unknown and unspecified causes of morbidity (R69) 72
R Elevated erythrocyte sedimentation rate and abnormality of plasma viscosity (R70) 74