CoD 2013-2022

CHAPTER XVII-Congenitals-Parts Q (00-99)
CHAPTER XVIII-Other[NEC]-Parts R (00-99)



Category Disease Cat Rank O Rank Persons Males Females Days Hours Minutes
R Elevated blood glucose level (R73) 37 1128 2 1 1 1826 Na Na
R Cough (R05) 38 1228 1 0 1 3653 Na Na
R Pain in throat and chest (R07) 39 1229 1 1 0 3653 Na Na
R Unspecified jaundice (R17) 40 1230 1 1 0 3653 Na Na
R Abnormal involuntary movements (R25) 41 1231 1 0 1 3653 Na Na
R Anuria and oliguria (R34) 42 1232 1 0 1 3653 Na Na
R Other symptoms and signs involving general sensations and perceptions (R44) 43 1233 1 1 0 3653 Na Na
R Dyslexia and other symbolic dysfunctions, not elsewhere classified (R48) 44 1234 1 0 1 3653 Na Na
R Enlarged lymph nodes (R59) 45 1235 1 0 1 3653 Na Na
116 TOTALS 0 0 25503 0 0 0 3.4 0